Everything Inside this Box is Dance

This weekend, the collaboration between our four idiosynCrazy performers and nine Swarthmore College students culminates in a performance for the Swarthmore Spring Student Dance Concert, this Friday and Saturday night at 8pm.  The show is free and takes place in Swarthmore’s Lang Performing Arts Center.  Collectively, the 13 collaborators formed the following manifesto:

WE are for an art of independent actions.  CREATION is a winding path. This piece is first and foremost a collaboration. All parts of this dance are flexible and are not permanent. This is democratic.  NOTHING is more interesting than three giraffes. This piece is genuinely weird, steeped in quiet stillness. A somber, opaque dance, sans impulse, which corresponds to the whimsical nature of John Cage’s music (curious and aloof).  YOUR pain doesn’t affect or move me. Each event is caused by the previous event, and causes the following event in a clear way, with a clear impetus. Everything is interrelated, but only because it is witnessed. We interrupt ourselves. Small movements require MORE space. WE coexist in a strange world.  We are apathetic.  It’s about coping with the absurdities of life. Its purpose is to struggle with various conceptions of reality. This is dance. This is art. This piece does not end when the lights fade and dancers leave the stage.  ANYTHING is a correct answer.

*a quick reminder to subsribe to our weekly vlog project, too

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