A peek into our Swarthmore Project #3

Shavon Norris reflects again on our Swarthmore project, looking at her experience as a supervisor and outside eye to the project.  Coming next week, we will see some video on our One Year Vlog Project that highlights some of the work our 4 idiosynCratz and 9 Swarthmore students have been doing since October.

*check out our One-Year Vlog Project

It is March, we started in October
mentors, mentees, John Cage
production deadlines, discomfort, newness and April approaching
debates about improv, about what belongs on stage
about how to create a dance, about what dance is
there are challenges
confusion, frustration, understanding, compromise, trust
buttons pushed, toes pointed and bodies moving
there are writing exercises
warm ups that are fun and sweaty
there are insecurities, confidence, change and beauty

there are 13 bodies/brains making decisions
13 bodies/brains negotiating preferences, perspectives, aesthetics
trying to make something honest and good
trying to make art
trying to be heard
trying to be seen
trying to make sense
trying to form relationships, friendships, ownership

this is collaboration to the tenth degree
a collision of histories and personalities in a studio
a collision of values and techniques
of humor, communication and needs

I admire these bodies
I respect these bodies
I am glad I am not one of these bodies
these bodies are journeying into territory that frightens most
they venture into the unknown
they move into undiscovered language and hip flexion
they make time to hear all of what is being said
time to witness all of what is being seen
and include all of what is being created
accept what is offered

the studio does not feel big enough to hold it
the stage deep enough to share the story
but they are making a dance to store the journey and the learning

I look forward to April

above: Karim Sariahmed; photo by Tayarisha Poe


Hello folks,

If you have been following our One Year Blog Project, you may have noticed that we generally release our blogs on Wednesday afternoons, in conjunction with our weekly vlog.  And, if you have really been following, you noticed that we missed last week’s blog!  Well, “missed” might be a little misleading.

So, what happened?  Well, we were scheduled to send out a newsletter that first Wednesday, 3/7, and I was having a hard time figuring out exactly what to write.  We have a few projects underway right now, but nothing that we have, you know, just completed or anything.  We have a few gigs that are in talks, but that do not have solid dates yet, and you know, contracts.  I was feeling like our newsletter might end up being like, “Hey, how you doin’?” type thing…  So, I kept trying to rewrite things in ways that would hopefully make it seem like we had something to say :-/  … right up until the deadline…  and then, the deadline passed.

What you should also know is that our idiosynCrazy staff (Shannon, Shavon and I) has been having some organizational coaching meetings with a wonderful organization and life coach, Kilian Kroll.  With Kilian, we have been imagining the future of idiosynCrazy, crafting out our individual roles as directors of the organization, designing ways that we would like to present our art to audiences, constructing models of engagement with different communities, planning the classes that we teach on a weekly basis to professional dancers and performers, discussing the model of our project at Swarthmore and its potential future at Swarthmore and other places, brainstorming ways to create financial and social sustainability, thinking about immediate projects like Private Places and the duet that Jumatatu and Shannon are currently creating, and so on…  Well, I guess we have been pretty busy, even if not newsletter-worthy quite yet 😉

How are we going to make it up to you?  So, at the beginning of April, we will release our newsletter PLUS the next installment of our “What do you think?” series (the last one was centered around the title of this season’s first idioSomatics session: POST-JAZZ).  So, please be on the look out.  We would love your input.  All right, take care and we will be in touch again soon.


*check out our One-Year Vlog Project